Reviews of Growth and Collapse are Positive

A number of reviews of the Growth and Collapse of One American Nation are in and they are very complementary. Here is a sampling of the reviews.

“Fraser’s behind-the-scenes portraits of such players as Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, and Lincoln will make the book more than just history for readers who appreciate facts delivered in a personal and, at times, cinematic manner. Given the situations, and the protagonists, the tale Fraser is telling is riveting throughout. He is adept at combining factual information and enough creative liberty to make these well-known moments come alive, while still retaining historical accuracy. His many footnotes leave no doubt as to his diligent research, overlaid with the zeal for his subject matter.” Self-Publishing Review, ?????

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“This is an exhaustive history, but its delivery is clear. Topics from law to philosophy to war are covered to support a complex argument that the United States is a creedal nation defined by a shared set of values, including individual liberty, equality, freedom of religion, and the rule of law. The Growth and Collapse of One American Nation adds to the ongoing conversation about American identity and the nation’s future.” Forward Reviews, ????

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“This book subscribes to the storytelling tradition of historical analysis and continues chronologically from the author’s first book… The narratives clarity, precision, and detail make this book highly readable… This work’s great strength lies in exploring broader political themes that we continue to face, such as what defines and American (or makes one un-American).  Blueink review

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“Fraser’s massive work proves Santayana’s theory that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. The author deftly shows that, even from this nation’s earliest days, there were those who were concerned only with the prosperity of themselves and their families and other who thought it was morally proper to help those who were less fortunate. So what happening in the U.S. today isn’t something that’s new and different…He succeeds in putting human faces on what could be dry, drab history.” Kirkus Reviews

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“The Growth and Collapse of One American Nation is an erudite history of the country’s early development as a republic and author Donald J. Fraser traces the leaders, movements and events involved in building the American form of government and politics, and shaping its identity. Fraser’s readable style and scholarship, as exhibited by the copious primary and secondary sources sites, give the volume its vigor…Fraser reminds us that American unity is not certain, but depends on shared ideals that are always contested.” Indie Reader 4.5 stars

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